Are the Monkeyboys Aliens?

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Evidence About Those Monkeyboys

On the Siamese Internet Cat Club site, it is blatantly announced that "world domination is nearly complete." One wonders how often Meezers scurry to their absent humans' computers to log in with their supreme commanders whenever they are left alone in the house.

Is it mere coincidence that the letters S-I-A-M-E-S-E may stand for "Super Intelligent Aliens Monitoring Earth Specimens Everywhere"?

The Monkeyboys became VERY excited when the new light fixture in our kitchen was installed. They sat on the table together, trilling and gazing at it in awe. A mere coincidence that it just might resemble the craft that originally brought them to this planet?

The fact those Monkeyboys exhibit a remarkable sense of Extra Sensory Perception with each other, and sometimes know when telephones, doorbells, etc., are getting ready to ring. While it is not known if all Meezers show this extraordinary ability, it appears to be an inescapable clue that the Monkeyboys are indeed aliens!

When shown an extensive map of the heavens and asked where he and Brother originally came from, Koko decidedly placed his paw on an area of a galaxy far beyond our own Milky Way. When asked if this was indeed where they were from, he winked and turned his head away--a sure sign from a Meezer that this assumption was indeed correct!

The Monkeyboys show a total disregard and disdain for such things as veterinarians, pills, and (certainly) dogs--such things are probably unheard of on their home planet, where life is most certainly idealistic, healthy, and exceedingly feline.

When asked any leading questions of a personal nature regarding their past or their future intentions, the Monkeyboys simply wink and smile--well-trained extraterrestrials never give away their secrets!

Lilian Jackson Braun, in her book, The Cat Who Saw Stars (1998 G.P. Putnam's Sons), speculates that Meezers are actually alien beings in a dream sequence (or is it?) involving a very intelligent Siamese, Koko (not to be confused with Koko the Monkeyboy, although he is certainly just as smart):

Was it my imagination, or was the sky turning green? Also unusual was the deathlike silence. Suddenly a strong gust of wind stirred up papers and whatnot on the porch, and Koko jumped on my lap and dug in with his claws for safety. It lasted only a few seconds, though.
At the same time a large round disc floated downward, throwing shafts of light on the beach. I could feel Koko's fur standing on end. His tail bushed. Next thing I knew, he was at the screened door pawing the defective latch.
"Koko!" I yelled, though I couldn't hear my voice. I leaped out of my chair, but he was outside on the deck. I dashed after him and made a grab. He slipped away and headed for the beach, straight down the side of the dune.
Just as I was about to go after him, I saw small creatures tumbling out of the disc and sliding down the shafts of light. They had four legs and long tails! He was going to meet them!
.... What were the cat's origins? No one knew. One day he simply... appeared. .... Perhaps the secret was something more unthinkable--the intelligence of an alien race who were not little green men but little green cats!

While we're discussing it, there is other definite evidence on the web that all Meezers--not just the Monkeyboys--are aliens! Check out this image downloaded from Mustards Send a Siamese at Custard Pie Cybercards!

And, finally, the last reason--the fact there was a need to create this web site to enlighten the world!



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