Nicky's Funny Faces

Hello, All! As you well know by now, I am Koko--the extremely photogenic half of the Monkeyboys! Don't mean to sound vain, but my visage has graced not only this web site, but screen savers, magnets, cards, etc., etc., etc. My brother isn't as up to the challenge as I am, however, and I thought it would be funny to include some of his more memorable "mug shots" here so everyone can have a good laugh!

Here's Nick caught in the onset of a giant sneeze when Mom tried to snap his picture. Note the squinty eyes and the EXTREMELY large teeth! Those teeth come in pretty handy at suppertime, I can tell you!

Here's Nicky doing the one-eyed pirate thing. Aye, Aye, Matey! Looks like he thought Mom was up to no good when she took this one!

Mom got the brilliant (ahem!) idea of dressing Nick up for the holidays. Stuck this stupid top hat on him which, you can tell, did not go over real big! Although Nick has what we call a "hat head," he doesn't go in for the dress-up look. You should have seen him when he was a baby and got his first collar! Jeez! (I will not make any mention of how I reacted!)

Mom must have shot this photo at dinner time! (See previous mention of food above--Pop says it is very difficult to say "Nicky" without saying "food" as well!) Actually, Nick was laying on the bed and Mom was trying not to wake him up (didn't work). Guess Nick thought if someone was trying to wake him up, it must be for food!

Mom was trying to get a cutesy picture of her "Snookums" while he was taking a catnap in the laundry basket. Of course Nick woke up the minute he sensed her sneaking up on him!

Unfortunately, that is all the photos I could come up with at this time. Be sure and check back, though; I will always be on the alert for more! (I'm sure Nicky has other ideas, but the inevitable is the inevitable!)

Ciao for now!