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Some of Our Favorite Photos

These are some of our favorite photos of the Monkeyboys.

Nicky (in Blue Collar) and Koko

Nicky and Koko at four months of age, before it was commonly known they were "Monkeyboys."

World Federation Wrestling at its Finest

Common behavior at the Monkeyboys' house.

Koko's Favorite Toy

The "ugly toy" came to our home with Koko, and remains the favored toy to this day.


"What's that you say? 'Vogue' called?"


My beautiful, special Nick


Koko, perfecting his imitation of a vulture

The Monkeyboys' House Cleaning Service

Never ask the Monkeyboys to help you change the linens

Nicky's Best Friend (Next to Brother!)

Everything belongs to the Monkeyboys (whether consented to or not!)

A Safe Bet

If there's a bag on the floor, there's a Monkeyboy inside!

"Bond--James Bond"

Koko, caught indulging in one of his favorite occupations--spying on the neighbors

Brothers to the End

After all the fighting, they're still devoted to each other


MGM can now stop its search for a new trademark lion (and besides, it's time to go to bed!)

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