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Monkeyboys Facts and Trivia

The Monkeyboys Fall to Earth

The Monkeyboys came to Earth as all alien life forms do: feet first and on the Extraterrestrial Highway, also known as Highway 375, in Rachel, Nevada (although they dispute this, as all good aliens do). Although most beings scatter shortly after arriving on Earth (as did the Monkeyboys), some may actually stay put and still reside in Rachel! If you are ever in Rachel, Nevada, be sure to visit the Little A'le'Inn Cafe and have a Monkeyboys Bur-- er, a Little A'le'Inn Burger.

The Monkeyboys Make Themselves at Home!

Shortly after landing on Earth, the Monkeyboys were adopted by us and slowly started taking over our home. Around this time an unavoidable act of nature occurred: our community had a mid-sized earthquake. Furnishings shook and things fell off their resting places. Surprisingly, nothing expensive was damaged. However, several days after the quake an antique clock fell off the mantle where it had sat for many years, leading one to question: was it an aftershock of the earthquake (albeit several days later) or a result of the Monkeyboys' presence? The Monkeyboys maintain it was a "freak of nature" and they had nothing to do with it.

Thereafter, the Monkeyboys resumed their attempts to take possession of our home and us. After training of the humans in the household was complete, they settled down into a comfortable routine: sleeping, eating, sleeping, playing, sleeping, fighting with each other, sleeping, looking out the window at birds, sleeping, receiving enviable attention from their humans, and sleeping.

The Monkeyboys Become Media Stars!

In July 1996 the Monkeyboys became media darlings when they held their debut on CompuServe's "Cat's Forum" ("Pedigreed," of course, there being no "Meezer" forum). As a result, numerous e-mails were received from admirers throughout the world. Thereafter, the Monkeyboys entered the Internet through their membership in the Siamese Internet Cat Club (page four of "USA Members.") Again, this resulted in many e-mails from admirers around the planet (and perhaps beyond!). The Monkeyboys then felt compelled to create this web site so their loyal fans would not be disappointed.

Monkeyboy Facts

The Monkeyboys are twins, although the resemblance mostly ends at their faces. Nicky favors his biological father (who was very, very large), while Koko favors his mother (who was a petite, dainty thing).

Nicky has a "crooky tail" and Koko has slightly crossed eyes. Between the two of them they make up one traditional Siamese (according to some books). They are what is commonly known as "Appleheads." (This refers to the shape of their heads, not their brain power or food preference.)

The Monkeyboys are also "Meezers."

Koko can say "No," "Nick!," and "HAM!" Nicky says a lot of things, too, but they are mostly under his breath and about his brother.

Koko is addicted to "HAM!" and all other pork products. He has been known to go through withdrawal when not supplied with pork products for more than a few days. His brother is more than willing to help him eat whatever happens to be around at the time.

The Monkeyboys always wait by the door when they know the delivery guy from the Chinese restaurant down the street is going to come by. He calls Koko "My little sweetheart," even though Koko is a male. Koko does not care what he is called as long as he gets his "HAM!"

Koko is a total psycho and doesn't mind showing it from time to time.

Koko is required to supervise almost everything that goes on in the house, and takes his responsibilities very seriously!

Koko likes to take his toys to dinner. In order to make sure they get enough to eat and drink, he leaves them in the bowls. This makes Nicky VERY angry. If you listen closely, you can often hear him swearing under his breath until the air above his fuzzy, little pointed ears turns blue!

The Monkeyboys have many nicknames. Nicky is often referred to as "Nicky Demon," "Nickers," "Squidgy," or simply "Demon." Koko has been known to answer to "Koko-man," "Spunky Demon," "Spunk," "Monkeypants," "Bugface," and "La Face" (one for each of his personalities, apparently). There are many, many other names the boys are known by and respond to, but we won't list them here (we don't want to bring it to the attention of certain authorities).

Both of the boys now have a universal following, with fans throughout the world (Koko, especially, seems to have a lot of admirers). Koko even has his own song--"The Koko-Man Song."

The Monkeyboys would rather sleep than do almost anything else (except maybe wrestle with each other).

Nicky can open any inside door, such as closets, in search for the elusive toy. He likes to drag every towel out of the linen closet into the hall and roll around in them (until he gets caught).

Koko can open all the kitchen and bathroom cabinets, and often does! Then he will leave them open so everyone can admire his handiwork (after he has messed everything up to his satisfaction). He is also an expert nest-builder (which necessitates the above-mentioned messing-up).

Nicky really knows how to cut a rug, and is a master of The Steinlen.

The Monkeyboys are big-time thieves and will do whatever it takes to acquire anything small and shiny. They are not above opening drawers or pawing through a visitor's purse if they think a "treasure" is there. The do not usually steal coins, however (Monkeyboys have no pockets).

The Monkeyboys' penchant for thieving is known by many workmen in our area. The boys have been known to steal "shiny" things, such as screwdrivers and tape measures, whenever a tool box is not being supervised. They have often been seen running down the hall, shoulder to shoulder, with their prize held in their mouths, in search of a proper hiding place. It tends to be rather embarrassing when purloined items must be returned to the unsuspecting workmen, and for this reason the Monkeyboys are often kept in a different part of the house when something needs servicing!

When you see those boys prancing down the hall together, shoulder to shoulder, you had better watch out! No good can come of this and the Monkeyboys are certainly headed for some sort of mischief (which everyone would probably be better off not knowing about)!

The Monkeyboys are habitual liars.

The Monkeyboys have very selective hearing.

The Monkeyboys will do anything to get their way. They figure that is the "Natural Order."

Every toy ever made belongs to the Monkeyboys.

"Everything here is theirs."

Questions About the Monkeyboys

"What do those Monkeyboys do? What are they good for?"The Monkeyboys do absolutely nothing for the betterment of mankind and are "good for nothing."

"Just who do the Monkeyboys think they are?" The Monkeyboys know exactly who they are: superior beings from a galaxy far, far away who have come to our planet to domesticate and rule the native species.

"Do the Monkeyboys ever go outside?" No. We would not do that to our neighbors.

"Do you ever leave the Monkeyboys alone?" Yes. Like when we go to work and leave the Monkeyboys to their own devices. But all the time we are gone we are halfway expecting a call from the police/fire department (which, so far, has not come). Sometimes we wonder about what the Monkeyboys might be doing at the moment, but then we really try not to think about it too much for our own sanity.

"You leave the Monkeyboys alone? Are things ever lost or damaged?" Well, sometimes. But the Monkeyboys have a ready explanation. It seems there is a renegade cat who lives up the street. When we are away from home he comes in and messes everything up then leaves. The Monkeyboys are helpless to stop him. This is their story, and they're sticking with it.

"Okay, but do the Monkeyboys ever have to take orders from anyone, or do they call all the shots?" The Monkeyboys sometimes seek counsel from the adult male human of the household, who is their "Meezerking," but more often than not they go ahead and follow their own guidelines without regard to the wishes of anyone else.

"So isn't it hard to live with those Monkeyboys? How do you put up with them?" It sometimes is very difficult. But since we are held virtual prisoners, we don't have a lot of say in the matter.

"With all this in mind, can you ever imagine not living with the Monkeyboys?" Never.

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